Inktober… My Way?

Every year my family takes part in Inktober. I strive to be part of it, but let’s just say it how it is: My drawing skills suck. So in order to avoid FOMO, I have come up with my new attempt at partaking in this annual event:

I’m going to use the same official prompt list, but I’m going to create my art with words.

So beginning Friday, I will take each daily prompt and try to write a little something-something based on the suggestion. I don’t know what this will look like. How many words? I’m not limiting myself. What genre? Who knows? But I thought this would be a good warmup for NaNoWriMo, plus perhaps get me back to blogging regularly again.

I’m sure I’m not the first person to come up with this idea, but I haven’t run across it yet, either. Any clever names for the endeavor? Printober? Prosetober? Wordtobia? Share your thoughts!

And for those interested in Inktober – whether via drawing, writing or some other artistic means of your own – here is the official prompt list for 2021.

Happy creating!